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Life in St Michael

Monday, August 15, 2005

SCHOOL going CRAZY!!!~

HOT NEWS!!! well.. actually cold oredy.. just that didnt have time to blog.. lol! but for those who have no faintest idea it will still be a HOT NEWS!!! well...Not A hot news but TWO hot news indeed.(alright2.. stop craping again)...

well. 19 michalians were send to lockup.. WHY? well from what Cikgu Marcella tell us.. This 19 students(3 of them are girls) make (you know what) hidings lar.. they made love labah..!in an empty house over the river near the school.. and the even go write (or its more like grafity)on the wall of the church(not sure true or not lar..) then even go kacau2 the cemetary..weird people i'll say.. and as Jub says..THE IRONY!!!

second hot news.. Cikgu lucy was put to leave after being(hit?) by (2?) students? well this is not first hand news.. so i'm not sure.. but rumors say that this guy namesd DEYLVIN made some noise and the teacher acuse MITCHELL.. so they started arguing.. and trowing chairs.. almost stabbed the teachers finger with the scissors... kick her urm.. tight(paha).. thats what i heard... its not proven to be true.. not first hand news i dare say..

well.. hope school will be better soon.. it doesnt sound like a safe school with good high decipline quality longer.. all the best ST MICHAEL!!!


Seriosly but the template is so lar not your taste!!! and I cant believe you actually put up that template on this michaelian blog!? My goodness gracious me!!! this template is so like extreamly `singaporian-girlish-turning-into teenage-kind0of template`!!!

Saturday, August 13, 2005

Yes i know!

Ya the template is sucking like hell!! ( OMG jason i thought u had better taste??) and that friggin blog description is way hell to fanfiction like! So im gonna have to friggin strip it -_-"

Im trying some Temporary template until jason gets a better one

Lol Puding u also seem to have bad taste in templates lol! this one sucks!! -SysOp-


- What!! the Harbor template is nice sysop and yvone would agree with me.. and u say i have bad taste for templates look at you... the second i saw that freaking star i tought i got the wrong url on the adress X_x i did say i was going to edit some of the pictures on the harbor template to something more st-michaelish * Jason

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