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Life in St Michael

Sunday, January 15, 2006

musiq n coment?

woah sumone commented our blog.. supringly he/she read thorugh our blog.. and of coz found it inquitive... seriously its quite bikin pans anyway.. i notce the moons gone. and the music cnat play oredy ,, lol.. thats all for now. yawn

musiq n coment?

school resume

yeah, 2 weeks oredy school resume.
no one seems to be rajin enuf to update.

this is the list of teachers who will be teaching us this year...

class teacher; english; history: chua poh huay -> very funy(even when she is scoldin gsome one). can shout real loud. but so far I had a good time watching her gelagat.. so damn funny oh.. her favourate word is BODOH... actaully got a few stories about her.. but right now i'm too lazy to type it out.. coz its late oredy.. maybe should let Jub or Jason do the job.
Malay : Maimon Hamzah-> quite good teacher.. my neighbour for like i dunno how long.. she calls me AVON.. weird lady.. d other day she lost her 6$ kuih.. she dont even know where she left it.. >.<
Maths : Norah Marcus-> my point of view. she can teach too.. good thing shes using the disc and laptop and projector in class. so a bit more interesting
Science; PJK: Simun Rugag-> also the head of dicipline master. and the husband of Pn. Norah. they say he hace bad english.. i'm not sure.. he havent entered our class yet.. but i dont really like him personally (because i dont think his a good haed of dicipline master). anyway. i donthink we`ll be seing much of him for teh next 2 weeks.. his having a surgery,, i dont know why though..
Geography: I heard its becks..I'm not sure though. he acent entered class either
ERT: Winday-> urm. okay kot.. i also dunno no comment
KMT: Maginis->this one have to ask jub and jason, i'm not taking KMT lah
Moral; Arts: so far i dont know who.. so i cant comment

well. i guess thats all for update.. stay tune for next update ( hopefuly not from me again)

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